The Sex Reimagined Podcast
Get ready to reinvent your love life with the Sex Reimagined Podcast! This isn't your awkward middle school sex ed class - we're bringing the juicy details with plenty of humor and real talk. Your hosts, Leah Piper (Tantra Sexpert) and Dr. Willow Brown (Taoist Sexpert), have a combined 40 years of turning fumbles into touchdowns in the bedroom.
Leah and Willow don't shy away from oversharing their most hilarious and cringe-worthy sex stories - all with valuable lessons so you can up your pleasure game. Each month they invite fellow sexperts to share their methods and research on everything from healing trauma to the science of orgasm. Get ready to feel empowered, laugh out loud, and maybe even blush as we redefine what fantastic sex can be.
The Sex Reimagined Podcast
Larissa Soehn: Cannabis Changed My Marriage and Led to My Sexual Awakening | #123
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Meet Larissa Soehn, CEO of NextPage Publishing, who discovered an unexpected path to sexual awakening through cannabis after its legalization in Canada. Larissa learned early that sex wasn't something to talk about. Like many women, she approached intimacy focused on her partner's pleasure, making the right sounds, and looking good - never truly connecting with her own body's desires. Despite a loving marriage, she often looked forward to her period as a break from sexual obligations. Everything changed when she discovered how cannabis could quiet her busy mind and bring her into her body. For the first time in 30 years, she truly felt embodied sensations. This awakening not only transformed her sex life but rippled into every aspect of her life - from parenting to friendships to her approach to pleasure itself.
- Why cannabis became Larissa's gateway to getting out of her head and into her body
- The difference between Indica ("indi-couch") and Sativa for sexual exploration
- How to start safely with cannabis (including exact dosing tips!)
- A simple grounding technique that instantly connects you to your body
- Real talk about transforming a long-term sexual relationship
- Practical safety tips for cannabis use, especially around kids
- Larissa’s Website
- Larissa’s Free Guide | Three steps you MUST take before starting your book
- Goddess Retreat | Ladies, join Leah & Dr. Willow in Crete Greece for a Tantra Yoga Healing Adventure
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Hey there, you are listening to the Sex Reimagined podcast. This is Leah Piper, the co host with Dr. Willow Brown.
Willow:Hey there, everybody! Today we had a phenomenal interview with Larissa Soin, who is an international best selling author and the CEO of NextPage Publishing. Now, not only is she amazing and a book publisher, which I'm very interested in, but But she's also had the most amazing, fun story of sexual awakening in the last 3 years as it relates to cannabis. So for all you stoners out there, you're going to love this episode. And for all of those of you who are interested in using cannabis to enhance and awaken your relationship to your body, your sensuality and your sexuality, twist up, light up, turn on, and fall in love with Larissa.
Announcer:Welcome to the Sex Reimagined Podcast, where sex is shame free and pleasure forward. Let's get into the show.
Leah:Larissa, welcome to the show. We are so excited to hear your story and, um, this process of sexual awakening that you've, uh, experienced.
Willow:Yeah, I'm particularly excited to hear about how cannabis supported your sexual awakening because here in California, it is a very cannabis friendly state and, um, you know, I work with a lot of clients with all different kinds of medicines and, and this one I feel like gets overlooked a lot and the power of, of what it can do for you and, um, not only that but Larissa is a publisher and I need help. Publishing my book y'all. My book has been written and done for three years now and it feels broken. I need it. I need a healer, a book healer. So Larissa and I
Larrisa:I'll save your book.
Willow:off screen later about that. But, um, but yeah, today we're really going to focus in on Larissa's sexual awakening and what that, what that all entailed. So we're stoked you're here Larissa.
Larrisa:Excellent. Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure and terrifying to be here all at the same time.
Willow:Yeah, this is the first time you've really, like, spoken about this on a platform like this.
Leah:Oh, cool.
Willow:you're in good
Leah:Yeah, yeah, so just imagine we're just sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, shooting the breeze, three
Leah:Yeah, so tell us a little bit about your journey, you know, how you grew up and what sort of the the inflection points that eventually led you to this awakening.
Larrisa:Sure. So I, I grew up in a remote small town in Northern British Columbia. Um, didn't have any affiliations to religion or anything like that. Didn't, didn't have a very emotionally close parent like relationship with my parents. It was not an open conversation, you know, or it was never a platform I could come and ask questions. I remember at one time asking my mom what a boner was and she just like pale face, like didn't turn around from the doing the dishes. Right. And so like,
Larrisa:like, I don't blame her, I was probably like, 8 at the time, so like, maybe not the best question for an 8 year old, but, you know, like, I was curious. And I think that was kind of my first, like, first example of like, maybe this isn't something I should be talking about. If you can't ask my mom, I probably can't ask anyone, and it's not something I should talk about. And so, um, you know, normal teenage years, was sexually active around the age of 16, went through all this, and then You know, bounced around a little bit, did my thing, a little exploration, but I never really understood that I could actually have fun having sex that it could be something that I could enjoy. Everything I saw on TV or, you know, searching the dirty sites when I was definitely 18, definitely 18. Wink wink. Um, It always seemed centered around the man, right? And everything was supposed to be for the man. And so I went into all my sexual relationships thinking I was there for his pleasure and, and to, you know, look good and feel good and make the right sounds and all of these things. And it wasn't until marijuana became legalized in my province, in my country, cause I'm in Canada, um, that it gave me a tool to get out of my freaking head. And I think that was the awakening is I was able to finally shut down all of the voices, all of the expectations, all of the beliefs of what I should be and how I should feel and how I should act and just be in my body. And that was, it's been about two years. And it's been a stunning ride, I can
Willow:Oh my god, I love it. I mean, and I feel like so many males and females really can relate to that like, Oh, I have to look right, I have to sound right, the performance around sexuality, um, and, and especially for women that it should, it should look or feel or, you know, show up a certain way and, and, you know, Don't worry about what you actually are feeling like don't you know Just about how you're looking and how you're sounding and so that can totally take away It gets you really stuck in your head I can't tell you how many women Leah and I have both worked at the where we're just like that that's half the journey. It's just getting them out of their head and into the world So I'm curious when you started using cannabis, I'm sure you started using it before, like outside of sexuality as well. Did you start, were you noticing more sensation and more being in your body with it in those cases as well?
Larrisa:Yeah, so I was recently diagnosed with um, ADHD and autism. So a beautiful little sandwich to make up my personality there. Um, and so for a long time I thought what I was doing was weird, that it was abnormal, and it was, uh, like I, I stim like, you know, I make weird noises sometimes or I play with things. And if I can't do those things, I get really uncomfortable and I get really in my head and I get really overwhelmed. And if you've ever had sex before, you know, it can be a lot of sounds and a lot of sensations and a lot of different feelings and, and it can be really overwhelming. Um, and that was my whole life. Every day was like that. I used to work in corporate. I used to have to go to the office every single day and be in big crowds and it was just overwhelming. So I originally started using cannabis because I was just overwhelmed. And what it did was it helped get, again, shut the head off and just feel my body. And I can't tell you, I probably have gone 30 years without ever feeling my body.
Willow:Wow. That must've been such a like black and white moment, like seeing in color for the first time.
Larrisa:It really
Willow:Were you using it, were you smoking or edibles?
Larrisa:Edibles is my, my preferred. I've tried teas, I've tried the gummies, I've tried chocolates, all of it, but
Willow:And edibles generally drop you into your body way more than smoking. Smoking can sometimes drop you into your head even more.
Larrisa:Yeah. I found the smoking really hurt my lungs and then I didn't want to feel it. So I was like, no, this isn't for me.
Willow:Yeah, yeah, that's good that you found your, your tool
Larrisa:Yeah, honestly,
Leah:Yeah, you know, I would see in our classes, um, a lot of women sort of just sort of going, Well, yeah, sex is really for them. I don't know how to make it about me. And also, there's a thing around, I have to be successful at this. So, if I can get it up, get it in, and get it off, then I'm a success. And then I can kind of hide behind the fact that I'm not really feeling, you know, What other women must be feeling. So was there also a comparison, you know, a pain of comparing yourself to other women that came along with this? Or was it really just wanting to be good enough for whatever partner you were with?
Larrisa:I don't even think I knew what an orgasm really felt like with a, with, with a partner until like four years ago, three, four years ago when I started exploring this. So I don't know if it was, I don't think I had a base to compare to. I thought this was it, like it feels good, like it's okay. It's not earth shattering. I don't crave it.
Leah:It's not torture.
Larrisa:It's not torture. I'm okay with it, but
Leah:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Willow:So what, what now was it like the very first time you had edibles and had sex? It all came to fruition or was it like a gradual journey? And how did that unfolding of your flower happen?
Larrisa:my, my, my cannabis flower, my sexuality flower, all of the flowers. Um, I think that's a good question because it took time, right? Like to find, like you said, did I, am I a smoker or do I like the edibles? Um, how much, what's the dose? And my gosh, cannabis is getting so complicated with strains and things like that. And so there's Indica, there's Sativa and. So figuring out those two, so it took time. It took experimentation to find one that I was really comfortable with and then what was my dose, right?
Leah:And so what is your dose? And, and do you like Indica or Sativa, uh, or a hybrid?
Willow:And also, do you happen to be a more sensitive person? Like somebody, this is just for our listeners. So if they're thinking about using cannabis in this way, this, you'll give them a nice kind of,
Larrisa:yeah. I'll, I'll tell you, I'll tell them, tell all of you what I learned, which is the great little shop owner who told me about this. So there's, there's the two strands, right? There's Indica and Sativa and then there's the hybrid. Um. The, the way I remember them, um, do you want to be Indi couch? That's Indica. Or do you want to be laughing and giggling? That's Sativa. And so, when it came to, like, what kind of night I was going to have, I had to ask myself, like, what do I want? If I wanted to be Indi couch, with Indica, um, and I wanted
Leah:that mean? Indicoach? Like
Larrisa:Into couch, like laying on the couch. Like you
Leah:Oh, Indicoach!
Larrisa:like relaxing,
Leah:It was Canadian American. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Larrisa:into sofa.
Leah:Yeah, yeah, yeah. There
Larrisa:so I had to pick like, based on how I was feeling. So sometimes like, if I just wanted like to be touched and like, like sensitive, like, you know, rubbing my arms and my legs, like that was relaxing to me. That was into couch, right? I want indica I wanted to be relaxed. I wanted to be caressed and soothed into An easy sexual space. If I wanted to laugh and experiment and have fun, I was Sativa, right? And so I kind of got to pick like, what am I up for tonight? What do I want to try? Like sometimes if. If we wanted to try a new toy or something, it would be Sativa because I would want to be a little bit more adventurous feeling.
Leah:right, right, right. I have to be a little more playful. Yeah.
Larrisa:exactly. So it really depended. And of course, it depends on the mood of my partner too. Like, what are you up for? Like, what version of me do you want? Because the cannabis really does influence what,
Willow:hugely. Now would your partner take it as well?
Larrisa:He cannot, because he works for a petrochemical industry. And so he, he can't,
Willow:So it's just you on it and he's just enjoying a whole different version of you. Have you guys been together for a while? Like was there
Larrisa:yeah, we've been, we're coming up on 13 years now that we've been together,
Willow:So there are many years of one version sexually, Larissa. And then all of a sudden, cannabis stepped in. And now there's options.
Larrisa:oh, and we are having so much fun. I think that was the other thing of like, you know, I'd been with this man for about 10 years before I started using cannabis, and he had what he liked, and he was happy, and
Willow:happy with it.
Larrisa:And so, like, I never thought, like, we needed more, and then, but now that there is more, um, we actually have to go days where, like, we make eye contact, and it's like, I don't think I can do it tonight. Like, last, the last two, three nights was, like, rambunctious. We need to tone it down.
Willow:Yeah. My Yoni needs a break, a respite time.
Larrisa:Yeah, exactly.
Willow:love this is so great for like so many couples out there who, who, you know, I always say this about couples. They think they're having good sex, but they don't really know what's possible beyond that. And so I just love the, the curiosity that this, um, plant medicine has opened up for you.
Leah:You know, I've um, I've come across a lot of people who I know who talk about how much marijuana is an aphrodisiac for them. And it's like a real turn on. And they report the same thing, Larissa, that it takes them out of their head and brings them into their senses. And when you're connected to your senses, you've got access to sensuality. And so it kind of brings about this full presence scene because You're feeling the sensation of your skin, you're breathing in the breath and you can really breathe and feel the breath coming into your system and smelling things that smell good if you light a candle. You know like there's all these little things, the tasting of each other's skin, um, all gets accentuated. They become more bright. Um And then there's someone like me who's like, Oh God, I'm probably going to have a panic attack. I'm going to want to, I'm going to want to get under the covers and not get up. I'm going to want to be under the bed. Like there's this relationship that I have to marijuana now where it's a rarely a good time. Um, in fact, it just feels like too much sensation and it makes it really hard for me to want to be present with someone else because I'm managing all of the overwhelming sensation that I feel bombarded with.
Willow:But you used to enjoy it, right,
Leah:When I smoked all the time, all day long, it was a way of life for me. But I was also hiding from a lot of things that I was having a hard time confronting, having to do with trauma and an emotional past. So I think I was using marijuana as a hot, uh, as a crutch, instead of this thing that opened me. And so I think this is where dosing becomes really important, because I'm sure if I had like a very small puff, You know, or like, for me, 5 or 10. in the mint or the gummy, that's a little bit more manageable. But even sometimes those low doses are just too much sensation. So I always kind of take a look at like plant medicine and, and sort of going into altered states of consciousness is for, I think it comes with the season. I think that we're in different seasons and in different chapters in our life, which makes these things more joyous and more fun. Because of the season or the chapter that is presenting itself and I think maybe right now I'm just in a chapter of my life where I don't have a tolerance for it in my system But I'm really hoping that when I get into my 50s, it all changes again I
Willow:Yeah, well, I
Leah:enjoy partying a little bit
Willow:I think one of the things that you've developed so much since you were, you know, using it more in your, in your 20s is a, is a strong sensitivity. You know, and, and so that's why I
Leah:I'm not covering up my sensitivity like I
Willow:Yeah, you don't, you don't need to, like, distract in that way. You can actually just be with the sensitivity. And sexuality, um, you know, when we're getting into aroused states and getting turned on, even if we're just in a sweet cuddling session, we're, we're already dropping dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin. And then when we have, you know, cannabis to add to that, it just bolsters all of those hormones, because we also get those hormones when we do canabis. We now have two, two scenerios that are flooding the system with these, with these basically drugs these hormones are like endogenous drugs that we have full access to, though, it feels for some people, like they don't have access to it because they, they can't get out of their head and they're stuck in that. They have too much cortisol flooding their system. And by the way, the best way to cleanse the system is to have a big old fat O.
Leah:To Have an orgasm.
Willow:good to know. Yeah, that will bring in all the oxytocin and replace all that cortisol. So that is sort of a next kind of place. I would like to direct this conversation, larissa is what have you noticed? Like you work in publishing, you, you tend to be a more sort of like personality A type, it sounds like, you know, like let's make sure everything's right where it's supposed to be. So how have things evolved and changed for you since you've been having this more epic, awakened, connected sexual experience night after night after night with your partner? What's changed in your business? What's changed in your relationship with your family.
Leah:Like how does it affect the other sectors in your life besides just maybe having more fun? Oh,
Larrisa:what you said, Leah, about the, the sensitivities to it and things like that. I think, and the seasons. And this would be how it's changed the other aspects of my business and my life and my parenting as well. Like it's made a big difference. I can emulate that high feeling that I get while I was consuming cannabis while I'm sober now because I get what it's supposed to feel like. I never understood that before. And so I'm at the same, I'm getting closer to, I think, where you are Leah, uh, without like the sense, I know it's sensitive to it. I can still have cannabis and things like that, but I don't need it to have a good time in the bedroom. Or to meditate or to do breath work. And, but, but I never knew what it was supposed to feel like. I just learned like two days ago, what belly breathing was supposed to feel like.
Larrisa:everyone would say like, breathe into your belly. And I'd breathe in and it would hurt. And my husband's like, I think you're doing it wrong. And I was like, how could I be doing it wrong? I don't understand. And then he like, he like drew a diagram for me. He's like, this is, and, but like, but if I'm in my head, I can't understand that. I have to be in my body.
Willow:feel it, not understand
Leah:That's a really good distinction. Yeah. How has it changed your parenting?
Larrisa:Um, so, now that I have a healthier relationship with sex, and what that looks like, and I will preface this, my daughter is only 7 years old, so the conversations are absolutely age appropriate, right, but it, it opens it up to the ability to not, not, not shame, because I was never shamed, right, but When the time comes for her, I'm going to have a very different approach to the sex talk. And even now, like, as we come up against things like how are babies made? Where do babies come from? Why do men have nipples? That's my daughter's favorite question. And I'm like, Lord, I don't know. I don't know why
Leah:Oh, I recently learned an answer to this. Okay, there's no reason for them to have them. It's just like the, the biology just hasn't shifted. Like, they're pointless. I mean, except for some sensitivity, right?
Willow:Well, actually,
Leah:needed biologically is basically the thing. Just like the hymen is not needed biologically. And the hymen is not actually an indicator of virginity. The hymen can be perforated. A woman who's in menopause can still have some of her hymen. Um, the hymen can be parts and pieces. The hymen can break for any reason. So the hymen is not the sign of virginity. Anything either. In fact, there's a piece, um, having to do with the male prostate that, and the female hymen is a leftover from that. Just like the male nipples are a leftover from our whole biological system. Um,
Leah:Are. That's where I learned that.
Willow:there, where'd you learn it?
Leah:Come As You Are. It's a, it's a brilliant book.
Larrisa:just read that book.
Willow:book, but it's hard to listen to,
Leah:Oh, I thought it was so easy. I've listened to it three times. Yeah. You and I just have different tastes and the voices.
Willow:yeah, yeah. So anyway, um, it is a really smart book though, y'all. Read it or listen, whatever you choose. Um, but there are cultures where men do breastfeed. Like, indigenous cultures. Like, it is possible for a man to lactate. So there are, you know
Willow:Yeah, it's totally an
Leah:they're probably gonna, a woman who's, I mean, so can a woman who's postmenopausal,
Willow:yeah. And let's not do some men. Most men don't have sensitive nipples, but some do.
Leah:Yes, and can be very sensual. And even if your nipples aren't that sensitive, you can turn them on
Willow:You can sensitize
Leah:So, hey, we're not saying.
Willow:Okay. We're on a total nipple
Leah:Yes, we'll leave the nipples behind. We're pro
Willow:us back home. What were we freaking talking about?
Larrisa:So, so,
Leah:for your daughter,
Larrisa:back to,
Willow:Oh yeah. Your daughter.
Larrisa:yeah, the rest of my life, like, so, I think we, the bedroom isn't, like, once you close the door, nothing, it doesn't stay in the bedroom anymore. We're not in that world of, like, you close the door and you don't talk about, like, the husband and wife, and then we don't, the world's not pretending we don't have sex anymore.
Leah:Yes, thank
Larrisa:know, it's not what we're doing. And even in the conversations I have with my best friends now, they're different. They're more open. They're more accepting because we all kind of grew up with the same relationship to sex. I'm like, you don't talk about it. The door's closed. It's behind closed doors. That's a mommy and daddy thing. We don't talk about that. The podcast. Never would I have ever come here. Right?
Leah:How cool. Yeah, I love that. You know, I'm really curious, how has it changed your relationship? I imagine you guys are closer and more bonded. Like, can you describe sort of the intimacy shifts that you guys are experiencing? The emotional intimacy?
Larrisa:Yeah. So I'm going to tell just a very small story here. So in 2020, I got really, really sick. I had emotional health problems. A mental health breakdown. Um, I was hospitalized in and out for over a six month period. Um, and it was really, really, really scary for everyone involved in my life. And my husband was my absolute rock through it all. He took care of our daughter who was three at the time. Um, he held down the home front. He, you know, visited me in the hospital as much as he could cause of COVID. Uh, and he was
Leah:it was during COVID too? That's
Larrisa:It was during COVID, so it was, it was awful. It was really, really awful, and um, and we went through hell, and we went through hell and back, and we survived, and so, our emotional relationship is one of the most healthy ones I've ever seen amongst adults. And I don't say that lightly, but we talk about everything under the sun. We cry together. We lean on each other. We, we have just this incredible communication. So we were already really emotionally close. It was the physical aspect that was missing. I always really looked forward to having my period when it meant I wouldn't have to have sex. Cause I don't, it's not my thing to have sex on my period. And, um, And I always look forward to it. I'm like, yes, a week off, right? And now it comes along and I'm like, damn it.
Larrisa:I'm gonna wait. Um,
Willow:You can still
Larrisa:I know I can. It's just like, I, not my thing. Like we do showers and stuff sometimes, but like, it's not
Leah:to enjoy
Larrisa:sexy time. Yeah. But so when we added the physical intimacy on top of the emotional intimacy, we already had, um, I find my husband so sexy. All of a sudden, and I, not that I didn't before, but like, I look at him and sometimes he's like, what are you? And like, I'm eating it with my eyes. He's like, you're making me uncomfortable. And I'm like, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Like, I'll tone it down, but like, I want him, I
Larrisa:want him so
Willow:because you have new eyes. You're looking at life through a new set of lenses.
Leah:tell you how many men who are listening to this right now, and they are so hungry for that.
Leah:It's like, they don't feel desired, and we tend to think, um, that that doesn't matter to men, but I have a lot of male clients, and it's the thing that they wish they had in their life the most. Some of them are in partnerships, and they wish that their wife hungered for them the way they hunger for their wife. And I'm just, so I'm just, it's so beautiful to hear you say that. Because there's so much longing for it. And not just for men who are longing for it. Women certainly who are longing for it. So you guys, get stoned. Let's find it. Um, yeah.
Larrisa:not, and it was never about my husband. And I think that was, I don't want men to feel like they're not desirable, that they're, we aren't hungry for them. I just couldn't get out of my head, the to do list, the checklist, the things I have to do, the appointments, the work, it was all so much. I couldn't shut it off and I didn't understand what shutting it off felt like. So I, it was, it had never had anything to do with my husband. If anything, he's in, like, you know, we're both in our squishy dad bod era. Like, we're, you know, like, we're not as fit as we were in our 20s and we're not as, you know, as, I'm gonna put it in air
Willow:more fun for sexuality because there's more to grab on to and it feels softer and squishier. Yeah
Larrisa:Yeah, exactly. I love my squishier body now because I, like, I look at my curves in the mirror and I'm like, damn, like, nice.
Willow:get some
Leah:yeah. Isn't that so refreshing and wonderful to get to a stage in your life where you can look at your body and go, you know, love the curves that you're in and love the soft places and to also feel someone else loving those soft places. And we're so hard on ourselves, I think, as young girls and young women coming of age and even well into middle age. For many of us where we think that it's all about being sexually attractive. And so we do all these things to try to lead with what it will get me love is if I present this sexual picture when really what gets us love and usually leads to great sex. It's just being selves and um, and so it sounds like one of the big ahas was that you were experiencing things you simply had never experienced before. That thing of being in your body. What advice would you give other people who don't feel like they're really occupying their body and are in the skin that they're in? What advice would you have? How would you describe what's possible?
Larrisa:If, if edibles aren't your thing, like I get that, or you're in a situation like my husband where work won't allow you to, because there's still a lot of rules around when you can and can't consume cannabis. Um, I do, when I was really, really sick, when I was having my mental health breakdown, this was before cannabis was legal. It wasn't an option then. Um, I would do a lot of grounding activities. 1, so 5 things you can see. Four things you can hear, three things you can touch. And just going through that process of every sense, 1, to bring me back into my body. Now I
Leah:them again for people who've never heard of that
Larrisa:sure. So it's five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can touch, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.
Leah:Love it.
Willow:That's a great exercise I've never heard that grounding
Larrisa:oh, really?
Leah:heard of it, but it's, I never
Willow:I use the, I use the five senses in different ways. We both do, of course. So, you know,
Leah:Yeah, it's
Willow:that's a fun one. Like if someone's going into panic mode or going
Larrisa:I was gonna say, I use it for panic attacks. That's when I would use it the most to bring it back. But like, I mean, if you did it before you were about to go have, you know, sex with your partner, that, like, how erotic is that? Five things I can see? Like, right? Like, that's a very, like, in your body, in this moment activity that you can't create the list, the shopping list in your head while you're running
Leah:That's right. It forces you to be present.
Willow:It forces you to feel your senses, and your senses are a doorway to presence. And when you take those 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and really receive them, instead of like, even, you can change the lens a little bit more, and instead of I'm looking for five things like I'm receiving these five things. So then you're dropping even more into a parasympathetic state in your nervous system, which is where all the fun sexual activity gets to,
Leah:Yeah, you know, that leads me to another question, which is, you know, I don't know if you have certain spiritual beliefs or mystical experiences or, you know, otherworldly, you know, I think cannabis really brings people sometimes into a more spiritual or sacred or mystical experience. Has that been true for you in your experience?
Willow:Tell us
Larrisa:I say yes with a laugh because I've been on this whole journey lately of spirituality. Again, I didn't grow up religious. Um, probably the opposite of religion. Religion was always kind of a bad thing in my books. Um, because every, if I slept over at my best friend's house on a Saturday night, I had to go to church on Sunday morning, and that was the worst. Right? Um, so. I grew up kind of like avoiding religion, honestly, God and Jesus. And it was bad words. Like I didn't say them, but in the last two years of trying to feel a part of something bigger, um, have my, you know, my soul, my energy, my light connect to something outside of myself. Cannabis, again, it lets me shut off the logical side of my brain and tap into the feeling side of my body. And, and once I started like. Just thinking honestly when I'm on cannabis, I just think a lot of the times I just sit there and I ponder I have a musings journal I call it and I just write down my thoughts the things that would come out couldn't they couldn't not be real like they had to come from somewhere from something and so spirituality wise I have gone through a huge shift in the last two years Partly because I also wanted purpose. I wanted to feel like I was part of something bigger
Leah:Um, beautiful.
Willow:so awesome, yeah.
Leah:I just, I just, I have something that's on the tip of my tongue and then it, and then it floats away like a little wisp of marijuana smoke. It just comes and then it goes. Oh, I remember. I wanted to know if you have experimented with cannabis and self pleasuring.
Larrisa:um Yes, so I, I masturbate quite frequently. It's a huge, like you said, it's a huge stress relief for me. Um, and, but I, I've gotten to the spot, kind of what you said in the very beginning of the episode, Leah, like, it felt like satisfaction. If I could get up, get in and get done, I felt satisfied and like, to the point, like, under two minutes, I was like, yeah, I did it. Right? Now I'm at the spot of like, how long, yeah, how long can I make it last? Right? Because
Willow:Now, like, two, three hour, four
Larrisa:yes, it's like, how long can I go for? How long can we go for? Because there was so much more to experience. Before it was just like, it's all the vagina, right? Everything was right there. Deep belly right there. But now it's like my arms, like rubbing my fingers down my arms. And like, really, it's
Leah:more arms, people. Like,
Larrisa:The, the chest the neck, it's like, But like doing that myself, because of course I'm, I'm high, right? And so sometimes my fingertips don't feel a hundred percent like my own, which is fun.
Larrisa:And I can explore. I, I actually touch, like I, not just a vibrator, not just a toy. I touch now. And I never would have done that before. So
Willow:your own skin. Yeah. It's such a beautiful practice of self love that, you know, um, touching your own body and taking time and finding like what, Oh, is a scratch good there? Or it's like a, a tickle good over there. Do I like to be squeezed over here? And then it gives you so much more information when you come together with your partner. Um, you know, I've been practicing with marijuana since I was 13 so I don't really have this reference of like, Uh, a point in time where things shifted for me as an adult. It's just always been a part of my experience. Um, and it's gotten me into some sticky situations along the way in my 20s and stuff, you know, for sure. And so I'm just curious for you Larissa, like, were there some, experiences that you had maybe both on your own and with your partner that you could give us a little bit more detail on of like, you know, what actually was that pivotal moment where you're like, Oh, now I get it. Now I feel that in some other way.
Larrisa:I think, and I think Leah, you touched on it earlier too, uh, breath. Yeah. Once I got out of my head and into my body and I started playing with my breath during sex, I've always been fairly vocal in sex. Again, part of that is because that's what the porn stars
Willow:you're supposed to
Larrisa:what I thought I should do. But I actually realized, no, I really do need that now. And I need it from him as well. He was very, very quiet. Um, and so we have been playing with breath. And I think that was the first time when I realized that. The, the sex wasn't just, you know, penis and vagina. Like, it was more than that. There was more playing into it. It was, and even just hands, like it was, we, we do this thing. I'm gonna get really into it here for a second. We do this thing where, when we, the first, first penetration, um, if I'm on top, I go as slow as I can. And the challenge is to hold our breath. While we're doing
Willow:you hold the breath a while entering. Now do you guys look into each other's eyes at the same time?
Larrisa:I think so. It's usually like, I don't know. I'm looking around. I'm feeling but most of the time I'm looking but I'm not looking, you know, I'm just feeling it and it's so intense and Because I'm on top. I'm in a hundred percent control, right? And so I can do Whatever I want and it's this power trip as much as it is this sensation and the breath and I think once It's like Like, I've never heard about anyone talk about breathwork and sex before.
Willow:Oh, well, welcome to Tantra
Larrisa:yeah, exactly. Currently, I
Willow:about all the time every day.
Larrisa:to listen to
Leah:seriously the name of the game. I'm so glad you guys just stumbled into
Willow:yeah, that's
Larrisa:and that was the, that was the aha moment for me of like, wow, what, what don't we know?
Willow:Uh huh. I love that.
Leah:And I love the sounding too that you, that you've realized makes a big impact. I'm sorry Willow, I didn't mean to cut you off
Willow:Well, I mean, you're just really like highlighting, you know, what we're always saying is like, you don't know what you don't know. And so that's why we're, you know, working so hard to educate the masses on like how to breathe, how to sound, how to run energy through different meridian systems in your body, how to, Draw orgasmic energy to your pineal glands so that you can have a more enlightened orgasm. How to draw arousal energy up to your heart to burst through all that pain and trauma and suffering that we all went through as children. You know, like how to draw even sexual energy to an injury, to a neck, shoulder, hip, broken elbow. Like you can draw this arousal energy and really use it as medicine. To heal different places in your body and one of the, um, you might be interested to, you may know this Larissa, but it sounds like you haven't really dipped into the Tantra world or education or fear or sphere yet. So you
Leah:But it also sounds like you're a natural, FYI.
Willow:I know you're a natural, but there's more to learn Larissa. There's more to learn. So one of the things that we, it's an ancient Tantric practice is called sex magic. And so it's really about like, you know, Sitting down with your partner, so you guys can do this at home tonight, sitting down with your partner and just dreaming together. What would be the ideal scenario for your future? What would you want? What would he want? What do you want for your daughter? What would you want as a family unit? And really like painting a really clear picture of that. You could even go so far as to Literally paint a picture or make a vision board with each other, you know, make a family vision board and then create an altar for that and then make love to the vision through each other's bodies. So that is just like where we can take sexuality when we start to, um, You know, breathe and sound and get out of our heads and into our bodies. And look, I think, uh, I've been doing so much amazing sex magic lately. I think I manifested Larissa. Here she is showing up on whatever morning it is today with a publisher next to her name. I'm like, I need a publisher.
Leah:And lo and behold,
Willow:So there you go. All kinds of magic can start to unfold.
Leah:yeah, um, I'm curious. Okay, two, okay, I got two questions but they're, they don't necessarily relate to each other. One is So it sounds like your experience of orgasm has been, has more developed for you. The sensation of orgasm has been more possible for you with the use of cannabis. It sounds like you had, you kind of had experience of orgasms, but not that much before cannabis.
Leah:Now, are you having multiple orgasms? Is it more like you're one and done?
Larrisa:Um, I usually get multiple. So my, my husband and I have this system now and it's beautiful. Um, I orgasm first through toys and manual stimulation, um, with him. And then we come together. And then sometimes if I'm not feeling like I'm done after he's done, I go again. Um, and that's the routine and it is gorgeous.
Willow:Good. So you guys are having three solid orgasms each time.
Leah:so here that
Larrisa:hence, the needing a break. Like, the, yeah.
Leah:if you want an orgasm breakthrough, consider cannabis, possibly, um, if you want a multiple orgasm breakthrough, consider cannabis, um, and then have you tried other Thank you. Plant medicines, like, well, they don't have to be plant medicines. The one I was thinking of was MDMA. Um, um, anything like that? And you don't have to answer that question if that's private. Are psilocybin or some of the other things that people use to enhance sexual experiences?
Larrisa:I have, I've played lightly. Um, I actually did, just did Magic Mushroom, so, Stealth Syphon, on the weekend. Um, and that was not a sexual
Leah:Yeah, it's never been sexual for me either.
Larrisa:that one was very spiritual. I would say I definitely went deep into my soul. Um, had, you know, my husband was my trip sitter and, you know, to keep me safe and things, cause I'd never done anything like that before. So that one was a no go for me. Um, MDMA I have done, um, before my clubbing days. Uh, but I found that was, um, it dragged me out. Like it made me like thirsty, vaginally, everything. And like, and then I was just distracted that way. Um, And so I, the, the most effective one for me has been, uh, narrow cannabis. Yes.
Willow:Yeah, yeah. You know, there are different kinds of MDMA out there and maybe what you were getting back in the clubbing days was a little bit not so clean
Larrisa:You know, the stuff we pick up off the floor when it falls down, like yes.
Willow:Yeah. You never know what you're getting out there on the party floor on the dance floor. So yeah, there's, there's so much. And you know, here in California, I mean, some of my dearest friends are, you know, forging the frontier of MDMA therapy and working with couples and working with Psilocybin quite a bit. Um, there's so much, uh, So much. I love, I'm actually really loving all the baby boomers who are like, I'm trying magic mushrooms. I'm like, fantastic! You know, welcome to the party! And it's great to have a guide. Somebody who's really versed in it. Somebody who, who knows how to like take you through the journey and also So, um, has, uh, you know, a strong sense of spirituality and then practicality as well. Like, we don't want to just like blow our, you know, third eye wide open and then not be able to integrate that into our lives. I think that's a really important part of it and, um, you know, one of the, one of the big plant medicines that everyone's taking. Doing these days is ayahuasca and it's just, it's rampant here in California. And so, um, I see people doing everything from, you know, doing it every single weekend, doing it, you know, once a month at
Leah:having sex on ayahuasca. I know some
Willow:Oh, you're not, you're,
Leah:into that, but
Willow:you're actually part of the dieta for ayahuasca is to be celibate and to be celibate afterwards.
Leah:but some people aren't doing it traditionally and they are going into those realms and I'm always just like having done it a couple Times I'm like there is no way I can't even imagine opening that door. I mean God bless those that
Leah:got the wiring for that
Willow:It's not for that really, but it, but there's, there's this integration piece that's so important after each one of these journeys. And even after one of your cannabis sexual experiences, like that's a journey in and of itself. So to take the time to integrate what you experienced and the elation and the ecstatic and the rapture that you experienced. Experience to integrate that into, you know, the, the way you take your daughter to school, the way you cook dinner, the way you do that next publishing project, whatever you're doing is so crucial and I think a thing that a lot of people are skipping over. So I just wanna highlight that for all of the, those of you who are, you know, dabbling in, in just cannabis
Leah:what would that look like if you were suggesting that to people out there?
Willow:in how to integrate.
Leah:Yeah, what would be a process if you
Willow:I think like getting support, getting guidance, you know, coaching, making sure that, um, that what you learned, cause, cause it can be a little bit elusive. I don't know if you've experienced this Larissa, but it's like the next day, you're like, God, that was amazing. But what exactly actually did happen? Like you can forget things, you know, when you, and that's one of the things that I think is so powerful about doing Tantric practices, sacred sexual practices completely sober is you don't have that forgetfulness. I think both have a lot of value and it's just really crucial for people to take the time to become what they see, what they learn, what they experience. You have Larissa and you were basically talking about that. Now you have a different way that you talk to your girlfriends about sexuality. There's a different way that you're going to talk to your daughter about sexuality as she's coming of age. You know, there's a different relationship that you, there's more creativity, I imagine in your work as well. So that's what I mean by integrating instead of just like, I need another journey. I need another fix. I need another awakening real quick.
Leah:Well, I think another thing of what can be a simple integration is just reflection. That's really all you need to integrate. You don't really need a fancy therapist or anything else. You just need to reflect on, what did I love about that? And, how else do I want to carry that into other parts of my life, like you were mentioning, Willow. I'm curious, um, Larissa, have you ever had, um, an experience where it was like, ooh, I don't want to take that much again. Or, ooh, didn't really love that. Like, is there any, um, warnings from your experience, anything that you can share with people of what not to do? Okay.
Larrisa:cannabis became legal very quickly in Canada, it also, there were shops popping up everywhere, online and on the streets. Uh, so for a long time I only ever went in person to buy my cannabis so I could ask questions, right? I wanted to ask questions behind the counter of like, what do the different strains mean? What do they do? What, how do I dose myself safely? I've read all the stuff online, um, but recently I went to an online shop and I ordered stuff online and they sent me enough cannabis and magic mushrooms to kill, like, an entire herd of horses. Like, it is insane how much they just mailed to me and put on my doorstep. Didn't have to sign for it or anything, but the packaging. Was really different than what I was used to getting in the stores. In the stores, they come with this big symbol on them. It's a big stop sign with a marijuana leaf on it. And you know, so my kid, if I ever did make a mistake and left it out where I shouldn't have, she knew, we trained her. This is a no go symbol because edibles look and taste like candies. And that is terrifying. Having a kid in the house. Well, these ones I ordered online, they look and taste like candies without any of the marking. They come in this cute little pink package that my daughter could just pop the lid off. They look like peach rings. And they have, um, 30 milligrams of THC. And if you're not familiar, that's a ton.
Willow:that's a ton.
Larrisa:And so I, um, accidentally and, and the labeling of them is horrendous. It, it's, it's like 10 THC gummies with this and this and this, and it's just like, just this big long paragraph of stuff. And I misread them one time and I overdosed a lot. Like I took a, a full 30 grams in one, and I, my max is about 10, so three
Willow:have been floored.
Larrisa:Well, I threw up. I got really sick and because I, my body was like, what are you doing? And um, that was terrifying. And so,
Leah:come down?
Larrisa:uh, probably about six hours, I would say, but by the time I actually was coherent enough to like deal with myself. And I was alone at the time too, because I didn't think I needed a partner. I'd been doing this for years, but I, I made a mistake and I overdosed. Um, That was really scary. And so really when you're starting out, start low, like one milligram, start super low, see how it goes. See how, because our bodies digest different too, right? See how long it takes to impact you and then just slowly work your way up. Um, and my, my line is like, once I start forgetting stuff the next day, like if I can't look back and remember exactly what I did, what I don't have a great memory, sober, but like, you know, comparatively, then I did too much. That's kind of always been my bar.
Leah:Great advice,
Willow:what is your, um, like what would you tell listeners, you know, take one milligram and wait half an hour, 45
Larrisa:I would say probably like an hour and about an hour for me I have I think I have a generally a slow digestive system So it takes about an hour for it to fully kick in
Willow:But it can come on as quick as half an hour, y'all.
Larrisa:yes, yeah
Willow:come on quicker. So yeah, so if you're taking, maybe you take one milligram or two milligrams and then an hour goes by and you're like, nah, I don't really feel anything. Then, you know, take another one or two at that point and find your dose slowly. Like there's no rush in figuring out what your best dose is. And over time you will build up a tolerance and so your dosage will increase. And there's really nothing wrong with that. It's a, it's a really medicinal plant, so how about it
Larrisa:Yeah, like my best friend's highest dose is two and a half milligrams. She can't she won't go
Willow:go over that? Yeah, I'm, I'm like that too. I'm like half of, yeah. Two and a half is perfect for me.
Leah:Well, this has been so interesting. It's been wonderful to hear your story, for you to share your wisdom, what you've learned, what's opened for you, and painting that picture for our audience. We're super grateful.
Larrisa:Thank you so much for having me.
Willow:Anything you would wanna leave our listeners with where they can find you or any final words of wisdom?
Larrisa:I think, um, my husband, he asked me to say this, uh, men, the vibrator, the toys are your friends. Not your enemies. Lean in. That one's from my husband. Um, mine is. The more you enjoy it, the more your partner will enjoy it. I always thought that my pleasure was selfish. And if I wanted to go first, that was selfish. And what I'm very quickly realizing, I have realized now, that that's not true. The more fun I have, the more fun he has.
Leah:That's, um, so awesome and so true. And I want to let our listeners know that Larissa so graciously offered you a free gift. If you've ever wanted to write a successful ebook, she's got a free guide and you should definitely download that. Um, and start sharing the wisdom and the information that you know to others and she can help you with that process. will be in the show notes for that.
Larrisa:Perfect. Thank you.
Willow:Alright, thanks Larissa. Thanks everyone. Much love.
Leah:Oh, and stay tuned because the dish is coming up and you don't want to miss that with Dr. Willow and I.
Willow:Don't miss the dish.
Announcer:Now, our favorite part, the dish.
Leah:Pass that dish, Dr. Willow. May actually pass that bong, Dr. Willow.
Willow:pick it, pack it, fire it up, come along! And take a hit from the bong, do you remember that? From Cypress Hill from
Leah:Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I was a great, uh, joint roller.
Willow:you said
Leah:Actually, I'm still a
Willow:with one hand,
Leah:Oh, I can't, I can't roll a joint with one
Willow:With one hand?
Willow:No, no, I need to use two
Leah:yeah, yeah, I gotta have two hands.
Willow:but man, I used to be such a bong user in high school. I mean, I honestly don't even know how I got through Chinese medicine school smoking as much weed as I did. I had this one study buddy, she wrote a really cool book, it's called Uh, plants or something. I'll find it and we'll put it in the show notes. Jessica Baker, amazing woman and my like main study buddy in Chinese medicine and she was such a fucking stoner from Humble and so, you know, I mean they used to grow mad,
Leah:What was her book about?
Willow:It's about herbs, it's about plant medicine, herbs, and there's a whole chapter in there on cannabis that's really enlightening about cannabis. And she and I would just smoke huge joints and then go for walks in the woods and study Chinese herbs. And I swear to God, it was amazing. It is a fucking miracle that I passed those state boards. Sometimes I'm like, God did that for me. I wish I hadn't been so stoned that whole time. I think I would remember more, but you know, I know where to look shit up. So that's, what's important.
Leah:Yeah, well, um, I'm really glad that this topic came to our show because I'm really struck by how many people experience marijuana as just this big aphrodisiac. I wish my system was organized that way. I'll give it another shot, you know. I think maybe I just need some referrals for very particular products that I could try to see if they
Willow:Probably, um,
Leah:for me.
Willow:probably in, in the couch
Leah:Yeah, I like that, I like that. I will, I will remember that, I
Willow:That's cute. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Leah:the 5, 4,
Willow:I know, that was fantastic too, yeah. No, I always love having a little sip of marijuana before getting into a sexual situation. It definitely enhances it.
Leah:what's it like for you, pot
Willow:Oh, it's so enhancing. I mean, when I was in Maui having a lot of Tantric debut, I, you know, first of all, I was in Maui, so endorphins were high already. And then we were eating these edibles and I was playing with a lover who was really into, you know, on the, the, the spectrum of, you know, um, what's it called, the blueprint stuff.
Leah:Uh huh, yeah, the erotic
Willow:The erotic blueprint. So this guy was really just straight up sexual, like cock, pussy, fuck, dirty talk, you know? And that came alive for me through cannabis. It's like, fuck it. Yeah. Dirty talk is hot. Let's turn it on. Let's turn it up. And so it really, I feel like in that particular period when I was using cannabis, I was using Maui, I was using different lovers and um, just really, You know, not being in my normal sort of like bump and grind here in Santa Cruz. I, um, I feel like I really got to expand that whole spectrum of myself, you know, and, and now you and I are both expanding into more kink, subdom, BDSM stuff. Um, but even, even at that point, it was starting to like awaken and in more intrigue into that realm, but I think that cannabis can be. In uninhibiting to what you have always believed and thought sexuality should be or ought to be or how you should be or how you ought to be. So it can really awaken things that you didn't know was there.
Leah:You know, when I think back on, you know, cause I probably was, I'm straight up stoner from the age of 16. I mean, I was smoking at 14, but really it was, it was very much more in my life on a daily basis from like 16 until about 34 maybe.
Willow:Mm hmm.
Leah:um, so I was obviously sexually active during those years.
Leah:And, you know, I think it was just such a way of life for me that I don't, I'd never bookmarked, oh, I'm getting high to have sex. It was just like, I'm just getting high just cause that's what I do.
Willow:then I'm having sex. That's just because of what I do. I know I
Leah:I was just like, you know, I just did it before cooking, did before driving, did before watching a movie, did before, you know, taking a shower. I don't know.
Willow:Yeah. I used to masturbate in my teens high all the time.
Willow:Oh yeah. All the
Leah:know, I've never been a real masturbator until my 40s.
Leah:Yeah, I mean, as a little girl girl, you know, I remember like rubbing up on sheets and blankets and stuffed animals and stuff like before puberty hit. But no, then it was just never really got into it. It was just like, you know, I wish I was one of those people, but it's
Willow:Wow. I was always a rubber. I was all throughout my, I have no idea when I started masturbating, maybe like nine or something
Leah:Though I always had, yeah earlier for me, but I think that's common, um, I always had orgasmic dreams.
Willow:Oh, okay.
Leah:You know, I had a crazy dream about you two nights ago and I've been meaning to tell you.
Willow:well let's tell
Leah:Are you ready?
Leah:wild dream. Alright, so we're at some like retreat. It's me, you, and Judith. I don't know if we're staffing it or whatever. That's not important to the context of the story. However, so we're walking outside. And we walk outside and I see this snake. And it has, and it's eating a peacock. So half the peacock is down, is down its gullet, totally. And I was like, oh my god, there's a snake. Everyone be careful. And you went into the house to go get a rattle because you were going to do some snake
Leah:So like now you're in like Burning Man clothes and you're outside and you're like following the snake rattling your rattles. It was almost like you had a rattle in a tambourine or something.
Willow:think this is a premonition dream to our Crete retreat.
Leah:Well, you were doing some snake dance, and let me tell ya, and then, and then, I was like Willow, like, don't do that, you're, I was nervous for you. I'm like, I think you're agitating the snake, and so, and so then the snake was like, ooh, I'm gonna go after Willow, fuck this peacock, spit the peacock out, you were like doing a spin in your dance, so you didn't see the snake coming, and it went after you, and I was like, Willow, watch out! And you turned around and it jumped and bit your fucking shoulder. And I was like, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I'm trying to call 9 1 1, I can't get through to 9 1 1, I rush into the house, I'm like, help me, help me, Willow's been bitten by a snake! And I'm like, what do I do, what do I do, do I suck the venom out of this wound? Like, I'm like, Judith, get her into the house, and And I'm trying to get people to call an ambulance. I'm like, do we, do we rush her to the hospital or do we wait for the ambulance? We need venom stuff. We need the anecdote to the venom. And then I woke up. My heart was beating so
Willow:Oh my god.
Leah:It was so fast. And I'm like, okay, there's so much symbolism in that. So if anyone wants to kind of decode the dream.
Willow:I'll decode it right now for you. Okay. So in Greece on the Island of Crete, where we are planning to do a retreat, um, which we need to get on the books. Um, there, there are these, uh, ancient, uh, priestesses, like, you know, even long before like the Roman time. And so the priestesses were dancing with the snakes. They were chanting with the snakes. They were doing a lot of things. And they were probably doing plant medicine too. And so in one of them in particular, in the temple of Malaya, which is where, um, this one priestess figurine was found, and she's holding these two snakes. And then to take it even further, the peacock, like the snake eating the peacock is very, um, reminiscent of like this thing of transformation consuming the, The peacock, like the, the one who peacocks around like the identity ego, like look at me. You know, like that kind of thing. So this transformation, eating this ego identity and then we've got it biting my shoulder and you pointed to your left shoulder and I've got some fucking, I got some snake venom in my left shoulder. Y'all gonna go to the chiropractor later and hopefully get it sucked out.'cause my whole left side is like not doing well right now. Which is also left side feminine and also one time I had a Chinese medicine doctor say, Oh, if you have stuff on the right, then you have issues with being right. And if you have stuff on the left, you have issues with being left out or left behind. And I'm about to leave my town of 25 years. So there's all kinds of things going on in that
Leah:And then there's you being very ritualistic and you're shaking and you're dancing and you're music and, you know, you were joining the sync, you were after some snake medicine, and me like being so worried and like, oh my god, you're doing something so dangerous, you know, don't do that, you're, you're, I mean, I'm not usually the one that's like, everybody settle down, I'm all about breaking the rules, but this one I was like oh no. are begging for, you are begging for something bad to go down girlfriend.
Willow:well, let's see what happens with this move. Hopefully
Willow:more transformation.
Leah:right? So then Matt was like, oh this has got cock writing all over it. And I
Willow:Oh, there you go.
Leah:there we go. Well, there you have it, you guys. Thanks for joining us and thank you Larissa. Let us know your sexual adventures with cannabis in the comments
Willow:Yeah, please
Leah:in our hotline and, uh, yeah. So, please, rate, review, and subscribe. We love ya!
Willow:Much love.
Announcer:Thanks for tuning in. This episode was hosted by Tantric Sex Master Coach and Positive Psychology Facilitator, Leah Piper, as well as by Chinese and Functional Medicine Doctor and Taoist Sexology Teacher, Dr. Willow Brown. Don't forget, your comments, likes, subscribes and suggestions matter. Let's realize this new world together.