The Sex Reimagined Podcast

Lee Holden: 100th Episode Special | Want Better Sex? 7 Steps to Limitless Energy

Leah Piper, Dr. Willow Brown, Lee Holden Season 2 Episode 100

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Are you feeling drained, stressed, & disconnected? Imagine waking up daily feeling energized, balanced, & soulfully connected to yourself & your loved ones. Our friend & Qi Gong Master Lee Holden is here to celebrate our 100th episode of the Sex Reimagined Podcast & share some life-changing insights that'll have you feeling like a zen superhero in no time. As a renowned author, TV personality, & acupuncturist, Lee brings a wealth of knowledge on energy cultivation, stress reduction, & using sex as medicine for a holistic lifestyle.


  • The magic of Qi Gong for boosting your mojo
  • Balancing screen time for your teens (without the drama)
  • Wake up feeling like you've had three espressos (without the jitters)
  • Transform stress faster than you can say "om" 
  • Spicing up your love life with Taoist sexual practices
  • Turning those pesky negative vibes into pure vitality
  • Creating a daily energy routine that works
  • Get your whole family talking (& actually listening)
  • Unlock your body's natural healing superpowers

Our favorite Lee-ism: "Qi Gong is the sunset of exercise – it just feels good, like yin and yang in balance."


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Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

so next up we have Lee Holden, Master of Chi, he is a prolific Chi Gong teacher. He's an author, he's a father, he is an acupuncturist, Chinese medicine person, and he's also a TV personality. He's been on like, PBS and NBC and Good Morning America and all kinds of stuff. And he is just, he's a really beautiful soul and he is really here to shine the light on the possibilities that we as human beings hold inside of ourselves, that we don't really give ourselves the credit that we have and we don't cultivate. So, he even has a really incredible series called, Superhuman, which is a whole series on all these Taoist and other practitioners who have cultivated the possibilities and the potentials within their own bodies of really magical things. Healing people from cancer healing, I mean, Jesus kind of stuff, walking on water kind of stuff, you know, so he's got check out superhuman, I think it's on Gaia tv. And and check out Lee Holden.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Lee Holden, what a beautiful man. He really just gave all of us such great grounded sound advice on how to have more energy for our life who could use some more energy? Right. I can, you can, you can, you can, you can, you can. I see all out there. There's not a single one of us who doesn't want more energy and Lee Holden breaks it down and really helps us see parenting in a different way. Helps us see, living our lives addressing depression and anxiety in different ways, so you know what to do, my sisters, my brothers, my humans out there. It's time to tune in,

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Turn on and fall

Leah | SxR co-host:

fall in love with Lee Holden.


Welcome to the Sex Reimagined Podcast, where sex is shame free and pleasure forward. Let's get into the show.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Welcome Mr. Lee Holden. So glad to have you.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah, what a treat, what a pleasure. So fun to be with Lee is a master Qi Gong teacher, a master of energy. Do you know Qi Gong means mastery of your energy and not only that, but a dear friend of mine for the last 23 years. So, so fun to rap with him about how we can use energy and our bodies and our minds to overcome and transcend the things that take us into downward spirals in life, like shame and guilt and trauma.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Those aren't fun things, and we can transcend them. Let's have more fun with these precious vessels that we're in.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah. Yeah. So I'd love to to know a little bit more about your, the two of you and your origin story because you've been in each other's sphere for quite some time. I remember Lee, sort of my first glimpse into you was seeing Dr. Rachel Abrams in the shared clinic you guys had over on the east side, right?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah, that's where it was.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah. And then Charles and I coming, you were hosting Master Mantak Chia and um, and they did a big talk. So that was like my second kind of step into your world, and I'm wondering how, you know Willow and you, because Willow, you worked at that clinic as well. I I understand?

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, I was there for about four or five years and um, worked with Rachel and Lee and many other practitioners in that clinic, and, but before that, Lee and I worked together at his very first acupuncture clinic over in Los Gatos. I helped him at his front desk, but when I was just a little baby and I still hadn't gone to acupuncture school at that point. He was a huge influence on my whole journey, actually into Taoism and choosing to go through five branches, Chinese acupuncture school, and yeah, taught me a lot along the way.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Do you remember first meeting Willow, Lee?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I absolutely do. I met Willow at a friend's house and if I remember right, she was doing some sort of stretching routine on the couch. And I was like who is this beautiful embodied fairy, you know, stretching her body in amazing ways? At my friend Marrysh Dawna's house and then Willow and I became friends and I think she came to some of my Qi Gong classes. And Willow was in my very first Qi Gong teacher training at Mount Madonna, beautiful retreat center up in Northern California. And yeah, from there I did many more teacher trainings and classes and Willow participated in many of those trainings. And uh, yeah, we've been friends, colleagues ever since.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Cool. Yeah. And I know Willow, you were a doula for a while, right? And you were even at the births of some of Lee's children.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah. His twins who are now 15. Crazy. Yeah. And then his middle daughter, I'll say who's 12 now.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yep. It's hard to believe. 15 and 12. Yeah,

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

like yesterday those

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

it really does.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

into the world.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah. Wow. So lots you guys have sort of been, you know, in each other's orbit through many different chapters in your life. That's really cool.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

We, sure have many beautiful experiences.

Leah | SxR co-host:


Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah, for

Leah | SxR co-host:

So, Lee, who's been one of your, you know, most significant mentors in the work that you do.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I would definitely say Master Mantak Chia was a huge influence in my life. I started studying with him at UC Berkeley when I was just a poor college student learning psychology and very dismayed by what I was learning. I was like, wow, I'm in year two or three and I still haven't learned one technique on how to feel better.

Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I wonder what's going on here. And so I was skipping this class. I remember it very clearly. It was the study of human personality or the psychology of human personality, which sounds really good, you know. And the very first lecture, the teacher read from the book the whole entire two hours.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

God, so boring.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

the, it was the opposite of personality. So by class three, I'm like, this is so dry and boring. I am going to skip class and go to that cool spiritual bookstore called Shambala Books on Telegraph Avenue.

Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

One of those places where you open the door and the incense hits you in the face and you're just like, wow. I'm in a magical land. And I purchased Transform Stress into vitality by Mantak Chia And

Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I actually got three of his books transformed Stress Into Vitality, Taoist Secrets to Cultivating Sexual Energy, and Awakening Healing Energy by the Tao. And I, I walked outta the bookstore with these three treasures and on a telephone pole, the flyer said, Master Mantak Chia in town tomorrow,

Leah | SxR co-host:

No way.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Special Weekend workshop. And I was like, okay, universe, I'm going

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah, you are meant to be in Mantak's Field, and then you've worked closely with Mantak written books for him and been to his center in Chang Mai, had a place there yourself for a long time?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yep, yep I still have that place in Chang Mai in Northern Thailand, I need to get back there, go do some Thailand adventuring. And I did work with Mantak Chia closely for, many, many books that he wrote, I ghost wrote, and it was because that very first workshop I didn't have enough money to attend. That's the reason I worked for Mantak Chia and

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

it was a blessing you were a poor college student

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

It was a blessing. Hey guys, I want to take this workshop. Can I work for you? And they're like, sure, and I worked in the bookstore and then they, like, I remember him coming up to me after one of the workshops and said, can you write? And I was like, sure, I can write. And he was like, he handed me this comic book, it was an Inner Smile Comic Book where all the organs in your body were smiling, and he wanted me to caption the comic book.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Oh, interesting.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

So that was my first job, so I caption the Inner Smile Comic Book, and then when I graduated from college, I was like, huh, what do I want to do? Do I want to go back to school, get a Master's degree? Do I want to work in Silicon Valley and make all this money like some of my other friends? And I was like, no, I want to go study more with Master Mantak Chia, so I went to Thailand and started, that's when I started writing books for him. And the second book that I wrote was it was called Sexual Reflexology, and it was this old tattered manual that he handed me and he said, we, I want to turn this into a book. And I was like, wow, sexual reflexology, what is this? I was like, this is the best job ever.

Leah | SxR co-host:


Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Tell us. Tell us about, yeah. Tell us what is sexual reflexology.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

What is sexual reflexology? Well, it was interesting because it was a manual about how to tell if you're compatible with somebody else, and this was a technique that the Taoist qi gong Masters used to help arrange marriages in China. So in ancient China there was a lot of arranging of marriages, and they would see if people were compatible even before they met by looking at their facial features, by looking at their hands, by looking at their ears and just taking it all in and seeing a, do these two people match energetically? And so that was actually the first part of the book, is kind of telling if you were, if you had compatibility with somebody and then there was other aspects that we went into with cultivating sexual energy for health and vitality, for the health and vitality of the relationship to exchange energy. And that was a part of it as well. And then like, you know, ear reflexology, foot reflexology, hand reflexology, there was reflexology in the genitals as well that reflected energy in the whole entire body. So it was also a practice of health and vitality and a practice of healing through pleasure rather than healing through pain, which meant that if you had some illness, let's say asthma for example, you would go to your Taoist Master or your Qi Gong master and say, you know, God, I got this problem in my lungs, and they would give you sexual prescriptions. Hey, go with your partner and do these breathing exercises maybe in these sexual positions for this amount of time, and this will send and guide and direct energy to that particular ailment to help a healing in your body. So it was a, it was sex and sexual energy as medicine and medicinal practice.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

And as I understand it, the sexual reflexology matches male and female. So the lingam, like, let's say the glans of the lingam, the head of the cock is the heart, and then way back in the vagina is toward the cervix, is the heart, right? And then further out on the outer edge of the lingam is like the pineal gland, the pituitary, thymus gland, and then that's, more toward the entry point of the vagina. Yeah, the introitus. so, and then with all these different sexual sort of protocols or different positions, it is very interesting, very specific. They would, you know, for asthma, let's say, or for bladder infections or for any kind of ailment that somebody might have, they would say, okay, get in this position, do this many deep thrust versus shallow thrust to get these different like parts of the lingam and the vagina activated

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

it's a beautiful system because um, it brings sexuality into healing and into the sacred, and out of the, let's say the profane and just like, how do I connect and do this beautiful act and cultivate this energy with my partner who I love and enjoy? So it was a really beautiful practice and just kind of one aspect of Taoist energy cultivation. And it was much more fun to heal that way than, let's say, going and getting surgery.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah, how

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

let's face it.

Leah | SxR co-host:


Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

a shot or something.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah. Right?

Leah | SxR co-host:

Really cool to see how just the possibility of using our sexual energy could be integrated as a holistic approach for our health, our wellbeing, our vitality. But if I was playing the devil's advocate here, there is a clinical aspect to the whole prescriptive idea, right? It's like, okay, how many short versus deep thrusts? Where to aim, there's sort of a prescriptive clinical performative thing that is also sort of a side note to the whole idea. So it's kind of, um, you really have to come, you really have to engage at this idea of sex is medicine Yeah, connected to that heartfelt place you were just describing Lee. So it isn't clinical.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Exactly. You know, it's like, honey the doctor said we gotta do this, and she, oh man. Again?

Leah | SxR co-host:

Three to the right, four to the left, honey, it's my lungs, come on, do it for my lungs. Yeah. Yeah. That's really cool. That's really sweet.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

I think there's really a lot of value in having, like, I think about qi gong as a white Tantra practice. You know, when we look at, Tantric perspective, we've got white Tantric practice, which is cultivating your own energy. Energy moving through your meridians and having these certain levels of openness within your own system. And then you bring it to a red Tantric practice, which is with another person, and then you're matching that, you know, energy systems together and starting to blend and move energy through each other's meridians. And so that can be really powerful. So I think that it's so important to have that self cultivation practice. Whether it's a qi gong practice, a Tai qi, yoga, running, swimming, anything really anything that moves energy, any kind of breath or movement is going to move and cultivate your stagnant qi, bring more vitality and spaciousness to your body. And then you have a greater capacity when you come into union with your partner. And you know, even if it's like, if it's for fertility or if it's for, you know, healing the lungs or whatever, I think that having that foundation is so key.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah, and I think also, The cornerstone of cultivating energy and sexual energy is that it's preventative, it is good for you. It is healthy not only healthy for your body, but it's healthy for your relationship and the connection. So kind of always in the background is how do we connect these very powerful energy centers, our heart energy, our love, our compassion, both to ourselves, self-kindness, self-compassion, self-love. And then like Willow was saying, I'm cultivating my energy as best I can to its highest vibration, to its highest level and then from that place, sharing it with my partner. And then you're really into deep healing work as well as deep preventative work. Which is also the foundation of chinese medicine which is prevention. And if we are healing and bringing healing energy into our relationship, that prevents a lot of problems because our loving relationships can be, you know, some of the most stressful things people's lives. Unfortunately.

Leah | SxR co-host:

I know like what, it does kinda seem like a little bit of booga booga on the human existence. It's like, here we have this thing called like falling in love and you know where you're when you're first, you know, the first ooh la la years, when they bring out the best in you. You know, you just, you'll like who you are because you like who they are. And then after a while you'll start to bring out the worst at each other. And so I'm wondering like if there's been a time in your life where you were facing an obstacle to overcome and there's been something about your practice that brought you back to Essence that brought you back to that place of, you know, real purity of being this human spirit, wanting this beautiful life, but something happens to distort that and how you drew on your practice to get you through.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I mean, I think it is through adversity that we get stronger. And through our challenges that we become, you know, tempered through the life's fires to be our best selves. And I think I. There's plenty of opportunities for that in a daily basis, whether it's small little stresses and how we overcome those and do we have enough energy? You know, I always think that if we are full with energy we rise to the occasion and when we're depleted, we tend to get overwhelmed by even the littlest things. And so energy cultivation can be seen as such a powerful tool for resiliency, whether it's a big transformative thing in your life, like going through a divorce or you know, having a child, you know, these are big things. Maybe one's positive, one's negative, sort of seen as. But they're both going to require a lot of energy. And I think when we have more energy we handle life's stressors with much more grace and ease and effortless flow. And I would say, you know, those kind of things like having kids and going through a divorce. I would say going through a divorce was a really challenging time in my life and I really needed to lean into my practice because it was uncertain what's going to happen. What about these beautiful babies that we have? How are we going to deal with that? And so I felt like as those challenges arose, I really leaned into my practice so that I could you know, face the unknown with more grace and flow rather than resistance and tension. And it worked out really well. It worked out really, really well for me. we moved through that challenge and we're great friends now and you know, co-parenting in a beautiful way. But it took a little bit of, you know, getting through the bumpy parts of the road, uh, with some deep breaths.

Leah | SxR co-host:

think that's really a beautiful, and I think it also says something a little bit about just Taoism in nature is simplifying it to the point of energy. The more energy you have, the more resourced you are to deal with life. And you know, just to give the audience a moment of considering, where do you, where are you resourced? What are the areas in your life that you know you're able to lean into being more resourced so that you have the capacity in your nervous system to manage the things that life is going to throw at you. And having a practice like the practices the two of you are very much committed to. I'm wondering if you could describe a little bit about what does a daily practice look like? Um, Lee.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah, and I mean, kind of traditionally you wake up and do a practice in the morning, you know, you rise with the sun and do your practice because there's all this rising energy and it gives us that ability to tune into it, tap into it, utilize the energy that is going on all around us, much like a surfer would ride a wave, there's this energy happening and we're riding the current of that wave rather than getting, you know, pummeled by the surf or pummeled by life, we kind of take in and absorb that energy. So I think a good morning practice is fantastic. For some people that doesn't work all that well, they got a, they kids, they got work. So I would su suggest even a short morning practice, maybe it's three minutes of slow, deep, conscious breathing, just getting ourselves sorted mentally to line our intention up with what we want to create this day. So two areas that I find that are really important is one is the beginning of the day. To cultivate more energy and the end of the day to clear whatever stress we might have picked up. And if we do that each and every day, we really give ourselves the opportunity to show up in the best possible way because stress, accumulation of stress creates depletion and creates all kinds of illness. And if we can clear that, You know, towards the end of the day or do some practices of clearing and purging and some practices where we strengthen and tonify our energy, we will have dramatically different outcomes than if we didn't.

Leah | SxR co-host:

I love that.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

And what would you say to people who are struggling? Like they're really under-resourced and they're just feeling like I I'm so underwater, I can't even find my way. Like maybe they've been through sexual trauma and they haven't healed that and they're stuck in shame and guilt and they have kids and they're single parenting and they trying to make ends meet financially and they're just really like, taking three minutes in the morning, like what? You know?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

what's this going to do for me? Well, I think Willow you kind of hit the nail on the head about what's happening in our culture. We're a culture that's wired and tired. We are chronically under-resourced where we just don't have enough energy. So I kind of give people like an energy scale from like a minus 10 to a 10. Where would you put yourself and be where you put yourself, you will have a completely different strategy. You know, minus 10, you're like suicidal, you're just like, just I'm done. Or you know, minus nine, you're in chronic fatigue to a zero where you're just like, man, I am tired, but I'm getting by and I have, I have enough energy to get by, but I'm not thriving, I'm surviving. So like minus three, four, you know, and to zero is kind of in that range. Whereas when you're in the like plus 5, 6, 7, you're like, I'm thriving most of the time. I am really loving my life and feeling good. I'm healthy, I'm strong. So, I'm kind of always wondering and asking and inquiring to people, how can we get you living where your five is your bottom and you're spending a lot of time at 7, 8, 9. So that's when we're really thriving. And at some point with the right strategy, you just never let yourself get below a five. Because that's where life feels good, and when you're at, you know, two or three, you're like, okay, I'm struggling. So I think a good strategy that involves self care, community support, a spiritual practice. When you're, like you were describing Willow, when you're in those negative numbers where you're just really depleted and feeling overwhelmed. I think we need some community support. I think we need support from, groups or a counselor or a coach, or going to a class. Maybe you don't even have enough energy to go to a chigong class, so you do, you know, like a lying down practice in bed where you're doing some breathing or some short meditations and you ask for a more help. But to people that you can lean into and, in the evening instead of just, putting on a show or something, take a hot bath, do a little stretching, kind of be more conscious of where we are so that we can climb the ladder and be in those higher levels of energy. Because when you're resourced you're a better parent, you're a better worker, you're more creative, you have more inspiration. There's, you have vision to maybe find creative solutions to the problems you have. When we're under-resourced, we tend to go on automatic pilot because we just don't have the energy to create new pathways. And so I think really finding a strategy for yourself to recharge and replenish your Chi. Or your life force energy is crucial to being a happy, healthy, fulfilled human being.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah, I think there's something about a feeling of hope that gets planted. the first step is really just to sort out a strategy. You may not be able to put the strategy into action, but discovering that there is one, gives you some energy in the world of hope and that little bit of hope, you know, you can take that energy and then you might do your first practice. You might be able to put one part of the strategy in place and then that gives you a little bit more energy and then you're able to go, wow, I have a little bit more energy to do a little bit more and then that continues to blossom and take effect. I think a lot of times people think doing anything costs them energy. Not realizing that there are things that we can do that are action oriented, that pay us back with more energy versus depletion of energy. Can you say a little bit about that phenomenon of like how we can do these physical movements and actions that, you know, when you're not used to it, you think, God, that's just going to tire me out but instead the opposite is true.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Right. Absolutely. And this is such a good point because it is counterintuitive. But, you just have to look at people sitting for too long and notice what happens to them. Nobody gets off at a seven or eight hour plane flight and goes like, oh, man, that feels so great. I've just been sitting for seven hours. Fantastic, I'm ready to run a marathon. I'm all charged up. And everybody's like, oh my God, this hurts. And like, you know,

Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

sitting too long and not moving, creates stagnation of energy. You know, whether it's a car trip or sitting at your office all day, we're designed for movement, you know, and there's great new studies. You know, the big study that came out sitting as the new smoking. I was like, what? Just sitting too long is as detrimental to your health as smoking. So movement gives you energy. Absolutely. Why? Well, everything in nature is moving. Everything in this universe is moving. So if you are sitting still, you're actually, it's one way in which we swim upstream and deplete our body's energy because you're not going with what everything else is doing. And so like a qi gong practice, it's relaxing and it's movement. It's moving with the current, so it's not like going out for a jog. It's not like going to the gym. It's simple movements that cultivate energy, and this is what I love about it. It's like it's not too easy, it's not too hard. It's like the sunset of exercise. It's like, oh, this just feels good. You just like yin and yang in balance.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

The sunset of

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

exercise I've just,

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah, I'm already being seduced. Yes.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

That's a good one. Love that. Can you have a glass of wine with that sunset? Does it come with cheese and crackers? I.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Well, funny enough people, when I own the Santa Cruz Chi Center, people asked if we had wine there.

Leah | SxR co-host:


Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

because of the cheese center.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Wine and cheese, huh? Oh, no chi center.

Leah | SxR co-host:

that's a riot. Wow. Yeah. That's a good, that's a good sell actually. You know, I am one of those people that um, I don't need to constantly be moving to feel relaxed. I'm very happy sitting. I'm a good sitter.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

You're a good sitter.

Leah | SxR co-host:

can sit and stay focused and, uh, and my husband cannot sit still at all. We've been in Maui and um, It's been really funny to like watch us both at the beach because I'm just happy as a clam

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:


Leah | SxR co-host:

reading my book, feeling the breezes, and Matt has to get up and go on a walk like every 10 minutes. I'm like, how many walks can you go on? And then two and a half hour, seven walks well, good for you. Have fun. I'm going to sit right here. You'll know where to find me.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Matt would be good partners on vacation.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Would you?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

When I go on vacation, I gotta go do something. I gotta go see something, I gotta go on some adventure. But then Leah, after I do that, then I can relax.

Leah | SxR co-host:

you chill and

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I'm way better at relaxing once I've done some adventure.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Well, I could say like, this conversation's really actually motivating me to want to get up with the sun. I, we have been getting up earlier and I love this idea of rising with the day. and to being more connected to nature and to actually have it be more of this feeling of flow, because there's a feeling inside that arises. It's like I get to, it's not a feeling of I have to, it actually makes me feel like I, like there is a spirit connected. This thread that actually compels my spirit to want to be with the universal spirit, to want to be with the nature that is arising each day, greeting the day, like I can already feel a chemical shift in my body, imagining wow what if I took this one step further? because some, like a door is opening, I can feel it in my body and to be able to notice those doors opening when you feel inspired by other people, I think is also a part of the spark of going let me see if I can follow that energy that's opening something inside, right?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Absolutely. I think you know, if you enjoy relaxing, then Qi Gong is the exercise program of relaxation. And so, you know, I think a lot of us struggle, we don't all have enough time to go to the gym, a yoga class and a mindful meditation. And a Qi Gong practice combines all of that into like one cohesive creative practice. So you do get some exercise, you do stretch out your muscles and you get this beautiful flowing mindfulness practice all in one, which helps you to cultivate energy. And as far as I know, when I ask people how their energy is, most people I've been saying in the 90% want more energy. It's like, you know, if you ask anybody, Hey, you want some extra money, I believe like sure, yeah, absolutely. You want more energy? Absolutely we want more energy and so qi gong is a practice that really helps to give us more energy, the feeling and more energy and the right kind of energy for the right time. So we want the get up and go energy in the morning, and then we want the calm, relaxed, unwind energy maybe in the evening so that we can sleep really well so that when we wake up we have more energy to get up and go. So it's very important energy cultivation that we have both yin and yang. Yin and yang, meaning yang is the go energy of action, which we tend to think of as energy. But there's the other side that's vitally important. It's the yin energy, the ability to be able to relax and unwind, and so I made a comment wired and tired. Most people have energy in the wrong place. So there are young energies in their head, so they creates overthinking. And even though you might be exhausted, you can't sleep because your mind is too active. And so this just shows us, oh, energy isn't balanced or harmonized in my system. I need to get the young energy that's agitating my mind down. I get the calm energy in, up, into my mind so that my mind is calm and my body's energized. And that's the state that we all feel our best selves in, and that will lead to, let's say, flow or ease as we go about our days.

Leah | SxR co-host:

you know, that wired and tired also reminds me of depressed and anxious and like when we're depressed, right? We're lacking energy we actually feel pressed into, like there's something pressing on us that's often suppressing our energy. Um, then with anxiety, we often feel like we have a surplus of the kind of energy that feels horrible, that is just, you know, giving us these feelings of wanting to escape a lot of discomfort. And then you would want that calming you know, energy of just being able to step into a place where your nervous system gets to relax and settle down. So I think when we're looking at like shame, depression, trauma, we're often suffering from often times a mix of depression and anxiety. So I love that this is also sort of speaking to those two reactions that the body has. When we're trying to resolve something that's been painful and how this could kind of give us the resource we need to maybe either face it and resolve it, overcome it in some form or nature.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

it takes energy to heal. Like we need to have enough resource to heal if we're overcoming, sexual trauma or shame or if we're trying to break out of some old paradigm or belief system that is no longer serving us, it does require energy to do that. And as Lee was saying, like we need energy in order to get good rest. We need spaciousness in order to be able to fall asleep. And then we want our cortisol, rising in the morning. We want that yang Chi coming up in the morning. One of the things I really love about qi gong because you know, I've been doing it for 23 years now. Thank you Lee, for introducing me to this incredible practice that has saved my life over and over again, and, A big piece of it is alchemizing emotion because we get stuck in emotion and we think we are our emotions, we think we are anxiety. We think, oh, I'm just an anxious person, you know, or I'm just a depressed person, or I'm not a worthy person. Or, you know, whatever our belief is that's getting us stuck in this downward spiral. And that's one of the powerful things about qi gong is like we use breath, we use movement, we use You know, vibration and frequency to break out of the experience of being one of those emotions. And into the experience of being the Tao, you know, being spaciousness being the isness, being not so attached to what we think we are.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Such a good point too, because what are we self identifying with often is an emotion. So then we don't have space between who we are and what we're feeling and to have a practice that gives you that space and just say, oh, that is just an emotion. And every emotion has, a time horizon. It's going to have a start and it's going to finish. And then we say, okay, it doesn't have to be so serious. I don't have to lock into this and label it as good or bad, or I could just feel it and experience it and then just kind of witness it passing. And you know, like you were saying too, Leah the feelings of depression and anxiety are really overwhelming when we're depleted. They're completely overwhelming us. They hijack us,. They hijack our nervous system, and then we don't know who we are, and then we take action based on those emotions whether it's anxiety or anger. And then we feel bad because we've acted out of those emotions and that's out of alignment with who we want to be. And it becomes very challenging to navigate that territory. And one of the things in Qi Gong that will help like, Like Willow was saying, it gives you spaciousness to respond rather than react. And then it gives you the ability to see emotions as energy. And energy is always in this process of transformation, so we can transform the energy of depression into something else. And we can transform anxiety into something else. Well, how do we do that? Well, quite simply, you can move the energy with breath, body, or mind, change our perspective. Think about something else. The simplest way is to move our bodies into a different position. And what we'll see as we start studying Qi Gong is that each emotion has a particular breathing pattern and a particular posture. So somebody who's depressed is always going to sit in a particular way and their shape of their body will change to fit that emotion and their breathing will change. So, you know, easy example, depression. They're going to have shallow breathing and their chest is going to sink,

Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

right? They're going to collapse somebody who's angry. They're going to have strong, forceful exhales and shallow inhales. And we could just say, why? Well, if you're angry, you don't want to let energy in, so you're not going to take a deep breath. What do people say when somebody's angry? Hey man, take a deep breath. It's actually good advice. If you take a deep breath for a period of time, all of a sudden it starts to transform. So there's lots of techniques and tools to be able to transform whatever stress or whatever negative emotion you're going through back into something else through breath movement perspective shifting awareness. And the best way is to do a combination of all of those. And then all of a sudden, now you feel empowered. Now you are not a servant to your emotions. You become the master of the energy of emotions because you can lead the energy in a better way.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Yeah, I love seeing how this, the picture continues to expand and you get to see just how many amazing tools can be accessed by some of this really simple, beautiful body of work. You're a father, you've got teenagers now. And we sort of look at what this current generation and the next generation are going to be facing, which is different in a lot of ways from the times when we were coming of age. And so I kind of have a two part question for you. One is, what do you think kids are facing today that this type of work could really help parent and those kids? And then also like what do you wish you would've known coming of age that you know now?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

So many things. I think that is a, that I think that is a great fantasy of like, if only I knew what I

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:


Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

and take it back to my, you know, 18 year old self. Wouldn't that be cool? Let's start with the first one because I think kids today are facing a variety of challenges that we didn't face. And number one is just so many choices on where to put their attention. And because there's, all kinds of apps and social media that are, run by brilliant people who know how to grasp your attention, so you are constantly being pulled out of yourself into the external energy field with, you know, Facebook and Instagram and TikTok and all these things. And what happens to these young minds and their energy systems is often quite tragic. They become depleted, they become emotional, they become depressed, they become anxious, and you see just anxiety and depression rising so much in the younger generation. I did read a study where kids used to spend about four hours a day on average outside. And today it's about 30 minutes on average that they spend outside, which I think is a big a big reason why we're seeing those spikes in emotional disorders in our younger generation. So I think one thing, you know, get outside more. You know, these things aren't going to go away, just now create more balance. And that's kind of a conversation that I constantly have with my children is like, Okay, you've been on your phone for an hour, let's go. You know, here's other choices. We're going to go outside, we're going to go on a bike ride, we're going to take a hike, or we're going to go you know, sit on the deck and paint. So I give them choices and they say, okay, let's do that. Today I want to go for a hike today I want to paint and I just give them off their devices for some time. But I think that is huge right now. And I think it's not only for teenagers, but for all of us because these things are addictive and they're tremendously fun, but what happens is we're not moving our bodies, nor are we dynamically relaxing. The information is fed to you, so you don't have to do anything. Where painting, journaling, qi gong, yoga, meditation, they're dynamic in their relaxation because you are participating in that relaxing process rather than just being mesmerized and hypnotized into it. in a way that's probably not great for our brains and our neurological systems.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah. It's so funny to see people who are like, I'm just sitting here relaxing on my phone, reading the news or looking at social media. I'm like that's not really relaxing. And then they get off their phone, they're like, God, I feel don't feel good. I'm like, well, yeah, it's because

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah. And it's not like we're don't ever do it. It's just like how do you create balance? And it takes discipline to do that because, you know, if you get on there and all of a sudden you don't have any discipline, it'll, you'll, it'll be a huge time suck. You know, you just be like, I've been doing this for four hours. Oh my god. You know, or longer. And I think you just, you know, sometimes what I do is for myself or for my kids is let's try to put time limits on it. Hey, what do you guys want to do? I just want to relax and be on my phone. Okay, how about we do that for half an hour and then afterwards we're going to do this. How about I can we do it for an hour? Okay. You got 45 minutes and then we're going to go do this for 45 minutes. So I just, it, it takes some of that discipline. And it'll take self-discipline to understand how these things work and what's behind it. Because there is a, there is some genius behind it that captures your attention and makes you feel like you need to see the next video or whatnot. So I think those are the pitfalls.

Leah | SxR co-host:

I think too, there's something to be said for also remembering to zoom out and see the big picture, because you could have an obstacle, right? There could be a little bit of a negotiation, a little pushback around, but I want to just be on my phone, just leave me alone, you know? Right. And so that's kind of a hassle in the moment. It's like, God, I don't want to have another argument. Try to convince, but then if you can, like, zoom out if you'd make the effort to stay steady with that argument and to be persuasive enough that you're getting them out. And then take a look at the week. You know, how is your kid doing? If you zoom out, how's their energy? How are they sleeping at night? What's changed at school? Are they more harmonic with their siblings? You know, kind of interesting to see what are the other bigger consequences that make that little fight to get them to do the thing, you know, that's good for them worth it. So that you know that you're capitalizing on a bigger picture. And sometimes I think we need to remember that when we have to sort of face that pushback a little bit because sometimes we're like not up for it either. Like I don't want to,

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah, absolutely. Nobody wants to fight. Nobody wants to fight a teenager. They're going to they're way

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

have a lot more energy for fighting.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

That zooming out is super important, is what Willow was saying about spaciousness, is just to have that altitude to be able to see the big picture to, you know, pick and choose where you need to insert yourself and where you don't. And to, you know, to set up some structure that is conducive to thriving. And set up structures for yourselves to, to thrive. You know, where it's like, Hey, I don't necessarily feel like getting up and doing a practice cause I'm tired. I'd rather just sit and drink a cup of coffee and scroll through the newsfeed. But if you structure it where you're like, okay, I'm going to get up and I'm going to just, I'm going to make myself do 20 minutes in the morning. Rarely are people like, oh man I wish I would've spent more time on my social media. Never. I was like, last year, I wish I would've spent a lot more time on Snapchat and TikTok. No. We would like, I wish I'd played more guitar. I wish I'd learned that skill. I wish I did that. So we can set up some structures that enable certain behaviors. So, you know, get those, get what you want and what your priorities are in your calendar. Set up a system where like, okay, it's 8:30 in the morning, not, this is my qi gong time, this is my meditation time. You know, it's 7:00 PM at night, this is my time where I connect with my partner and we do some breathing and we share some energy together. And, you know, it's, it's often the easiest way out isn't the most beneficial to thriving.

Leah | SxR co-host:

So do your kids, curious if your kids, do they have they adopted, do they enjoy qi gong? Do they rebel against it? What's their...

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

That, that is a great question. You know, they do their own version of qi gong, I'll come into their room and they'll do, they're doing some movement practice. Or they're you know, sometimes I'm just so surprised, you know, I walked into my twins room and they had a spread of tarot cards. They were with their friends and they were lying down and they were sending each other energy and they had crystals on their foreheads. And I was like, that's cool. Okay. And there's like all kinds of trippy music playing.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Your your girls grew up, you know, with you as their dad, so like doing Qi Gong, I mean, there's so many great pictures of Lee with his girls, you know, doing movement and holding, holding

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

But if I say, come on guys, let's go do some Qi Gong, and Oh no, can we do it later? I got home work, I got this, my friends are coming over. What I do is I, a, I usually ask them what they want to do. We want to have this friend over, we want to spend the night here, we want to do that. I was like, great. Okay. So in order for that to happen, I'm going to say yes to that. How about you guys say yes to, you know, 30 minutes of Qi Gong and a hike in nature? And they're like, cool, great. So I try to find win-wins in in negotiating rather than try to, you know, like holding too much power over them and as a negative, but make it a two positives.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

And, you know, your girls are, they're super healthy, very well adjusted and you have a really close open relationship with them. But not everyone has that with their parents, and not everyone has that with their kids. And, You know, I think that we're still living in a world where it's not possible for anyone to grow up and not have the experience of being guilted or shamed at some point by a teacher, by a parent, by a peer. And so my question is like what would you say to, to parents or, people who are guiding the younger generation in regards to, we're still living in this world, so shame is going to come up, guilt is going to come up. How, what would you say to people who are raising kids about how to address that with their kids?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I mean, I think even just the conversation, having the conversation with them is super important. Just like. You know, which is also hard because teenagers aren't real forthcoming. And so, you know, it's like, Hey, how you doing? It's usually a good or a fine, and you press a little bit more and you get very short answers. So sometimes I ask my kids to, if you don't want to be asked questions, why don't you ask some good questions. We did this exercise the other night at dinner. Sometimes I, we just kind of have a check-in on occasion, and I framed it as the rose, the bud, and the thorn. And it's just like, okay, what, um, what's bugging you? What's hard for you? The thorn what's the bud is like something you might be excited about, but it's not here yet. And the rose is like, what am I grateful for? And they all did it, you know, a short version of that. You know, they said this, they said that, but it just, I find that it helps them in their mindset to pay attention to give everything a place and that the thorns in our life aren't just the only thing, there's also other things. And so having some practice on shifting attention to what we're grateful for at an early age can be very helpful. Because, you know, being in the human system and the human condition we're hardwired for finding the negative. And even if there's a lot of positive happening, we can get so fixated on that one thing that we didn't like. One boy who said something that had bothered me that, that girl who did this, or my friend who did that. You know, I see a lot of them really fixating on the negative, which adults do as well. But if we can, again, get spacious and say, oh, hey, there's more to where I can put my attention. And so they have gratitude practices that they do. I, you know, they're, I'm like, what are you doing? Oh, I'm writing in my gratitude journal. And it is, I love seeing them do those kinds of things because I think that takes training. Whereas anxiety and stress and worry, they don't take training. They're already hardwired in so deeply that we need to also stretch our capacities to be able to really put attention and cultivate gratitude and positive energy. That takes some training and some wherewithal, and I think that is a really big gift to give the younger generation.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Absolutely. Yeah, I can. So for all your parents out there, the rose the bud and the thorn, play that with your kiddos. And I think it can be really powerful too, to have like a family gratitude journal or whatever, you know, like, let's talk about what we're grateful for as a family. Let's put this together like,

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Ah, Willow, I'm gonna do that.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah. maybe make, even make a collage, like what are we grateful for? You know, like I Lee's always painting with those kids. I think that's so amazing to like, do something creative with your kids, to get them into, the head space of like, you know, I'm expanding and evolving as a human being here on the planet, not just getting through whatever it is.

Leah | SxR co-host:

I also love this idea of the rose, the bud and the thorn because it's teaching open-ended questions. And I think it's actually one of the things that partners really lose connection over. We get so in the habit of our day-to-day, all right, what's for dinner? Who's picking up the kids? You got the dry cleaning? Okay. You know, and it's just like these routine things that they're not conversations that open us up. And so when you can not just talk about your worries, but talk about your hopes, talk about your dreams, talk about the things that there is no end to the conversation. There's never going to be an end to, you know, what's the, bud what's the thing you're excited about? There's never going to be an end to, you know, what are you grateful for? I think it's so important that we have open-ended conversations with the people who we care about in our life because it keeps us connected. It opens up a door that's deeper than just the shallow list of things that we have to do day-to-day. And so there's a modeling happening there that I think invites people to just have more intimacy with the people that they care for, with these open-ended questions and gets us thinking and feeling, and then sharing and exposing and inviting, you know, people into our more inner world. And I think that's a beautiful skill that, you know, those you listening can try tonight with someone in your life. The bud, the rose, and the thorn.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

I love it.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Sounds like a good book

Leah | SxR co-host:


Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:


Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Or Song title, or band title, I mean, or maybe it'll be a new gong program for you Lee.

Leah | SxR co-host:

I was say maybe a new position

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I'm gonna create a movement

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Movement. Yeah. qi gong movement. So speaking of qi gong movement, if y'all have never done qi gong before and you want to try it because you're like, wow, maybe there's something here. After listening to this interview, Lee's got what, a two week free trial is that what it is?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

I do, I have a two week free video class subscription trial where you get to do it online and you can either come live and be on Zoom with us and I do a 20 minute q and a I answer people's questions and you know, I get some really interesting questions. And then we do about an hour of qi gong with meditation included. So there's always like a 10 minute meditation, some kind of energy meditation at the end. And at the end of that 15 minutes, man, do you feel good. As somebody wrote in and said, he said, I woke up in my best body ever today. You know, getting back into his qi gong practice

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

and a couple people also said they grew taller, right?

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Oh my God. Yeah. Three people. One person got up and said I went to the doctor and I'm three quarters of an inch taller, and this other lady, I just had to raise my hand. I'm an inch taller and people are, we're getting taller, it was three people right in a row. They're like, oh, yep, that happened to me

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Talk about raising

Leah | SxR co-host:

wanna be

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

taller! Your Chi, and your vitality.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Yeah. Yeah,

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

it's amazing.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

is longer, less stress in your body, makes you taller. Yeah, and then you know, we have the program I did a Taoist Sexual Secrets program, which I think is in alignment for what you guys are talking about, how to circulate your energy. It's mainly a self cultivation practice on how to boost up and balance hormone levels, how to transform stress or trauma into vitality, and how to circulate this energy in your body for really enhanced pleasure and a more blissful experience of being

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

your body. Mm-hmm.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Wow. Well, thank you so much. It's so generous of you. I know everyone's going to take advantage of that, including me.

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:

Yes, absolutely. Thanks for being with us today, Lee.

Lee Holden | SxR Sexpert:

Thanks so much for having me. That was so much fun guys. Thanks.

Leah | SxR co-host:

You bet. All right, everybody. Time to create your self cultivation practice and we will see you

Dr. Willow | SxR co-host:


Leah | SxR co-host:

on the flip side Love, love, love, love, love.


Now, our favorite part, the dish.

Leah | SxR co-host:

Ah, well, this'll be a juicy dish. Lee Holden. What a morsel. Well, I think so. Yeah. Oh my gosh. He's been such a huge influence on my life and my path and my journey. And, yeah, such a big part of my life. My first Taoist teacher and still one of my Taoist teachers after 23 years. He introduced me to Mantak and that whole lineage. And, um, I think I, when I was 21 or 22, I went to the Tao gardens and stayed in his condo. He's like, go stay in my condo. And so I was the only one at the Tao gardens. And I was there with like the senior teachers and they were teaching me all this stuff. And I was getting car sign at song and sitting in the Tamarin sauna and doing all these, taking all these disgusting Chinese herbs from this local doctor. And this was all before I went to Chinese medicine school and I had been working with Lee, um, In Los Gatos, just kind of helping him out at his front desk. And I, and I was like, I think, you know, I think I'm, should I do chiropractic or should I do acupuncture? He was like, do acupuncture because you can go any direction with that. You can do internal medicine or sports medicine or endocrinology or whatever you want to do. There's so many different paths you can take with it. And, um, I think that's And so he kind of taught me needling too, before I even went to Chinese medicine school. And so I remember I traveled for six months. That was when I went to the Tao gardens during that time. And, um, and I was needling myself. I was needling other people traveling around, just, you know, practicing what I was learning, what I had learned with him. Wow. That's so great. Yeah. We were just talking about how, um, you, you can see the reasons why Lee's done so well in this industry because he's able to communicate so well in a very relatable way, um, the, The way like everyone wants more energy, you know, so even though it's sort of this like foreign Eastern practice, it could seem kind of woo woo, uh, to some people, but when you just bottom line it, all the ways that it is. That is efficacious to the things that you want in life. It makes it a no brainer to want to give it a shot. Yeah, absolutely. yeah, I mean, I, I don't think anyone has described Qi Gong the way he has. That's convinced me to like, take it, take it on a more serious, uh, test drive. You know, I've dabbled a little bit here and a little bit there, but this is like, he really opened a door that makes me excited to walk through. And so I can only imagine that so many other listeners are having the same experience. Yay, that's so exciting. More people on the Qigong train. And I can really see it being something me and Matt do together, you Oh, you guys would experience that we would both really, really love. Yeah. And as I said in the interview, it really is a white Tantric practice. You know, it really is like, and you can, I love to do it out on the cliffs, by the ocean, in a forest. I love to do it out in nature. And I do that a lot. And it's like, I get so much energy from nature that way. Cause you're basically drinking it in, you're drinking it into different glands in your body is your adrenal glands, your pineal gland, your thyroid, you know, these places in your body that tend to just kind of sit dormantly and stagnate. You can actually just use breath and movement and intention to drink in more resource, more chi and more energy from the nature that's all around you. And it's so funny because I've watched this. I've watched you do this, you know, and I'm always like, well, that looks so beautiful for her. It could be beautiful nice to be that beautiful too, you know? But I'm having a really great time just sitting here. Sitting right here, so I'm gonna, Yeah, sitting is good, too, you know. but I don't know, there's something that he, he said that really sort of, you know, twist, kind of turned it around for me to go, right, this is not only relaxing, but it is energizing. And that kind of turns the sitting thing on its head. Because if you could get both. You know, because I like to sit, I also like to relax, or I like to think, or I like to process through something, and to just actually be in nature, absorbing, you know, and really, and, and I, it doesn't have to be proven to me, I can just look at you to go, yeah, there's a calming, energizing effect that this practice has for sure, just by looking at you. But there, I think he gave me a why. That opened up a kernel, right? Because I'm one of these people, I'm a questioner. And you gotta understand. in, I got to really, I got to understand, you got to give me a strong why. Otherwise I may not, I may not take it seriously. And so I think I just got some why that What's the why? I think it kind of comes back down to that being a process that relaxes you and energizes you at the same time. And who doesn't want more energy? To who doesn't want to be more resourced in order to live their best life, you know Not only does it give you so much more beauty to just keep on having a great life. But when life doesn't look as great because something hard is in front of you to be resourced for it oh my god, then then you get to be your the your best self handling those things. And And then there's more meaning and value that comes from those harder things times in life. Um, and, and sometimes I feel like I tend to be a very fiery person. And so some things are, there's a lot going on or there's nothing going on. I've got, I do a lot of like polar opposite stuff. And so, and I'm okay with that. I don't have a lot of judgment about that, just me being one of those flavors. But, um, cause it's not necessarily like, I don't equate it as being good or bad. It's just there are times where I am like creative and still and I want to cook and I want to rest and then there are times when I could care less about cooking and I just want to get shit done. Um, and so it's just the way that my energy kind of revs and chills. Uh, but I like the idea of finding out who Am I having more energy for both those different ways of Leah? Mm hmm. know, like what will the creative, more chill Leah create and do and be? Um, even more of that. And then what about the Leah that's like limitless in her potential to create form? Like what, what more will evolve inside of me? Who will I be with even more? resourced self to apply to those things. And I imagine that the, the switch from one to the other Leah could, will only just be more graceful. We'll have a little more ease. We'll be less, a little turbulent. Is it okay that I'm, you know, going into the next phase? Ding, ding, ding. right. Cause it can be a little crunchy as I go from high volume Leah to more chill, rest, folia. You know, sometimes I wrestle with, is it okay that I'm not putting out as much? Yeah. Yeah, I think that's one of the powerful things that, that a practice like this will give you is like, the transitions get to be more graceful and more useful. Um, cause we all have to go through transitions in, in our day to day life. You know, it's like, we go to work, that's a transition, we come home, that's a transition. And it can feel like a really rough transition for a lot of people because there's not enough spaciousness or chi flowing through their bodies, um, through their meridian systems, through their organ systems. Each one of the organ systems holds particular emotions. So if you find that you're always angry, irritable, frustrated, that's okay. There's some liver cheese stagnation, baby. If you find that you're always in grief and you can't get over things and loss is overcoming you in depression, there's some lung chi stagnation. So, you know, I think that's one of the powerful things about understanding Taoism and Chinese medicine to some degree, which is why I'm always so I'm teaching that as like an overview of all of my teachings is because it's already inside of you. It's already there. So we may as well pay attention to it, bring consciousness to it, and bring movement to it, um, give ourselves some more space for those transitions. Yeah. Yeah. So, really cool stuff. Thanks, Lee! One more thing I'll say in our little dishy dood do is, um, you know, all of his classes are an hour long, but then he takes, they break'em down into these 20 minute chunks. So for those of you who are gonna do the two week free trial membership, you know, even if you don't have an hour to, or three days a week to do Qigong, you can do 20 minutes, you know, two or three days a week. It's gonna make a huge difference. You'll, you'll feel the difference for sure. yeah. And what a great idea. Like two weeks, take it on a test drive. See what happens. Zoom out. See how you feel. What, what changes for you in those two weeks? If you were able to go to two classes and a total of four, you know, who do you, who do you become as a result of giving yourself this gift? I think, uh, I think I'm up for, I'm, I'm up to find out y'all. Ding, Lee. Go. love, love, love!.


Thanks for tuning in. This episode was hosted by Tantric Sex Master Coach and Positive Psychology Facilitator, Leah Piper, as well as by Chinese and Functional Medicine Doctor and Taoist Sexology Teacher, Dr. Willow Brown. Don't forget, your comments, likes, subscribes, and suggestions matter. Let's realize this new world together.

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